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The Berthe Weill's story

From Pan ! to Pow!

In 1933, Berthe Weill was the first art market professional to publish her memoir.

Her very frank and funny text recalls her memories of the first 30 years of the 20th century, which she witnessed from behind the scenes of the modern revolution.


An essential testimony to modern art

The small print of the original book was published on fragile paper: it is very rare today.  You can contact the Berthe Weill archives if you wish to purchase an original copy.

Marianne Le Morvan is a researcher and knows how essential access to sources is for Art History. In 2022, she opened the original text of Berthe Weill's memoirs in open source, free of charge, directly accessible from the French version of the Berthe Weill Archives website.

The vision of Berthe Weill 

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The Abakanowicz Arts and Culture Collection of Chicago University Press assumed the translation of her memoirs into English.

Lynn Gumpert (Grey Art Gallery - NYU) coordinated the project, translator William Rodarmor and Marianne Le Morvan (Berthe Weill's biographer) collaborated for nearly a year to transcribe Berthe Weill's wit into English.

The book was published on June 14, 2022 and marks a major milestone in her recognition.


Maggie Taft, Booklist

« Now published in English for the first time, Weill's fast-paced and punchy account of her gallery's first 25 years of exhibitions is a who's who of emerging artists in early-twentieth century Paris, the collectors who bought their work, and how much they paid... She paints a clear portrait of how modern masters like Metzinger and Matisse, alongside lesser known painters like Émily Charmy, shook up modern art and modern culture even before there was a market for their work. »
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